information |
This web site is designed to help you find the right person for your family. Whether you need part-time child care, a maternity nurse or a full-time nanny/housekeeper, in fact help of any kind with bringing up your children or caring for your home, GlobalAppointments.com is for you.
The staff at GlobalAppointments.com have a unique blend of skills, and a combined experience spanning 75 years, in software design, teaching children of all ages, nanny agency operations, and working as a nanny, enabling them to not only design a world class advertising web site for families, but to offer advice and guidance on child care issues.
- We strongly recommend that you subject applicants to a rigorous screening process, interviewing short-listed candidates in person at least once.
- If the applicant has a long distance to travel to you for interview telephone short-listing can be entirely successful and is increasingly, and reliably, used to recruit todays workforce. The secret of success is to hold a preliminary phone interview for the purposes of drawing up a short list, where you discuss generalities, also any issues which will help eliminate unsuitable candidates at the outset. This is followed by a longer, pre-arranged, phone interview of short listed people where you concentrate on your families specific requirements using a set of predesigned questions.
Clearly it is also important to plan the initial phone interview in advance so that all applicants are asked the same questions, thus enabling an objective comparison to be made.
- If at all possible interview each short-listed applicant, ideally in your home where they can meet the children and be given a tour of the premises.
- Insist on at least three recent references, and follow them up by telephone.
- Insist on seeing a current police check certificate. To view our details on this:
police check details.
- You should spare no effort in your search, therefore start looking at least 2 months in advance.
- Our databases hold as much information as possible on each candidate, to enable you to identify suitable candidates easily.
interview tips.
employment guidelines.
- Make use of our resources menu to obtain information on nannies Tax and NI contributions, for example.
links page.
We hope this web site has provided you with sufficient information, and a wide enough range of candidates, to help you find the person you are looking for quickly. You may however need to wait a considerable time before the ideal person comes along, hence the need to start searching
in good time. If you place an advert, new job seeker adverts matching your requirements will be sent automatically to your mailbox.
If you require further help email us at: contact100@globalappointments.com
Thank you, and good luck with your search..