Creating a job advert is all about selling yourself. The following points will help you to produce a good advert which will impress potential employers:
- Describe your past experiences in full detail, giving dates, and locations.
- Explain what appeals to you about working in the areas you are applying for. Try to sound enthusiastic.
Remember childcare, for example, has become a very competitive field. You will need to show determination if you are to achieve your goal!
- Write an eye catching short statement to encourage people to open up your advert and explore further.
- If you have abundant good references, say so, and offer them for inspection on request, stating how many are available.
- If you do not have suitable references set about obtaining some. There are bound to be people, teachers even, who know you well enough
to give at least a character reference. References are a vital ingredient of a job application.
- Spell and grammar check your short and long descriptions.
- Once you have submitted your advert, return in a day or two and read it through, or get someone else to give
their opinion. If you wish to improve your advert, login with your user name and password and use the 'UPDATE AN ADVERT' drop down menu
which will take you straight to your advert.
- If your command of English is poor use the assistant which will generate brief statements for you in good English
based on the information you provide on the right of the postcard.
- Complete the option fields on the right of the postcard accurately and fully.
- Give thought to the area (s) in which you are prepared to work and make sure the location field is properly set up
to reflect this.
- Do everything possible to maximise your chance of success, and include a photograph of yourself if you think that will help.
- You are strongly advised not to use the "non-English speaking assistant" if your main language is English, or
your command of English is reasonable or better. The assistant can incorporate only a few of the DO's, above whereas you can attend to them all!
- If you accidentally use the assistant, either use the browser back button at the time of creation, or use your login and
the UPDATE AN ADVERT drop down menu to change the short and long descriptions.
CONCLUSION: Most of these points may seem trivial, or pretty obvious, but it is amazing how badly some adverts are written.
A poorly constructed advert will reflect badly on your professional standing, and on your ability to do the job you are applying for.