Summer Fayre 2023

On-line Auction Summary

(Please see progress statistics at the bottom. Thank you.)

Current winner of item1 has a bid of £ 24: view item details

Current winner of item2 has a bid of £ 85: view item details

Current winner of item3 has a bid of £ 75: view item details

Highest bid for item4 is £ 20, which is below the reserve of 30: view item details

Auction statistics to date
Auction start date: 06/04/2023
Auction closing date/time: 20/06/2023 at 18:00
Number registered: 32
Total number of items in auction = 4
Total number of items with bids = 4
Total number of items without bids = 0
Number of items with bids above or equal to the reserve = 3
Total money to-date = £ 184 with bids greater than, or equal to, the reserve value.
Number of items with bids below the reserve = 1
Total money to-date = £ 20 with bids less than the reserve value.
Total reserve amount = £ 105.00